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My Skin Routine

I always love watching the odd skin routine on YouTube, just for inspiration on clearing my skin. I have pimples and spots, (just the teenager skin thing I guess) but I suppose I am more fortunate than others. My worst areas for getting spots or pimples is my forehead and that seems to be the only affected area. However, it is not like if is all over my forehead, and the spots and pimples aren't that bad, from a distance it looks as though my skin is clear, but closer up you can see my spots and pimples.

So I am going to show you my favourite products I like to use on my skin. I wouldn't say I have a long skin routine, it is just the basic necessary items you need for your skin I would say.

1. First, I like to wash my face using the Boots 'tea tree & witch hazel with active Charcoal' facial wash. When applying the facial wash to my wet skin I massage most of the product on to my most affected area and a normal amount all over, avoiding the delicate eye area.

2. Once the facial wash has been thoroughly washed off, I moisturise my face with the 'Olay complete everyday sunshine' tinted moisturiser. I do not use a lot on my face because it will feel greasy, so I use a pea sized amount on my skin.

3. Finally, when the moisturiser has absorbed into my skin, I use the 'La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo (+)' for my spots and pimples. (even though it is for blemishes)

What the products do

The daily detox facial wash claims to remove impurities and excess oil for immediate results. I wouldn't say it is immediate but my skin looks clearer when I use this product. Olay's tinted moisturiser gives my skin a nice, healthy glow and also gives a soft touch to my skin. The 'La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo (+)' "anti-imperfections, unclogging care, anti-marks and corrective" helps get rid of blemishes but I use it for my spots as it seems to work. Lucky for me, my spots are not so big and red, but sadly are small and annoying.

Other Useful Skin Products

Other useful products for my skin are the boots 'tea tree & witch hazel cleansing and toning wipes' these wipes deeply clean and refresh your skin to help it look clear and healthy. I use these when I am in a rush, removing make up after washing my face or just as an extra as part of my routine for when my skin is especially at its worst. I really like these wipes and I believe they do what they say on the packet.

All products came from Boots, so if you want to give them a try I will leave a link to the website.


Facial wash:


La Roche-Posay:

Facial Wipes:

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