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Life Update

Hey everyone! Been a while hasn't it. Anyway, since I have been stressing about exams and my life, I thought I would give time to give you all an update and what I have been doing.

So, first, my exams are over and my family are preparing to move to where my dad lives. So isn't that just blooming fantastic! (Sense my sarcasm *wink wink!*)

This is going to be rather long so I am just going to make this part a big paragraph. I applied for a college course called Fashion Design and Manufacture. I didn't know if I should at the beginning but I then soon saw no harm in doing so. I applied got an interview and then when my interview date arrived in no time, I went all the way to the college and tried to sell myself (not literally, obviously). During my time at the college for the interview, I was so lost, it was my first time in the massive building and when I thought I went to the 10th floor it turned out to be the second floor, so I was wondering around wondering where the hell the freaking room for my interview was, so when I shortly found out I was on the wrong floor, I raced to the elevator and made sure I was on the tenth floor as I got out, when I saw the room I was supposed to be in, a lot of people were inside, however, I knocked on the door and asked if this was the interview for the Fashion Design and Manufacture course and they told me to go to this other room and then I had to race along and find that other room I was supposed to be in. When I found the room, an older lady, called Margo (maybe in her 50s or late 40s) approached me and asked if I was here for the course she applied for. I was. After that encounter, we sorta stuck together, we were new to the building and had no one. I know it sounds weird that a teenage girl is making friends with someone who is more than twice their age, wait is it? I don't know. Anyway, the interview went well and then a little over week on from then, I got an email saying that I was accepted. I was over the moon, I actually had no idea if I would get the chance to do something like this, this is the first step to pursuing my dream.

When I told my parents, my dad was delighted, however, my mum on the other hand wasn't as thrilled as what I thought she would be, in fact she reacted rather unamused and bland, I mean HELLO you are the one who practically says I need to get my life in order!! So I thought that getting accepted to my most favoured course would be a weight lifted off my shoulders but NO! She still wanted me to do my higher/A-levels/level 6...

But anyways, my life seems to be looking good, I am going to be leaving school, going to college, moving out of my parents house and stay with my Aunt in the city. This may scare the living daylights out of people, but I am not, if anything I am 98% keen and excited and 2% nervous.

What I am enjoying/love at the moment:

1. Harry Styles solo album, I love this so much that I listen to it everyday and I think that it will be the soundtrack to my entire life, sign of the times can be played at my funeral and Two Ghosts will be when I break up with a boyfriend and Kiwi will be a way of telling my husband/partner I am having a baby!!

2. Harry Styles- I have a celebrity crush on Harry Styles.

3. Fan fiction on wattpad

4.Malibu by Miley Cyrus

5. Niall Horans Songs

6. One direction. I am so late at joining the party.

Thank you for reading this post guys! I hope that you all enjoyed it and had a laugh at some bits, sorry for the late post but I promise to update more regularly! Seriously check out all the songs I listed above, especially Harry Styles album, it truly is amazing!!!! Thanks again and BYE.

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