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De-Stressing Forest Walk

The weather was beautiful today and was definitely different from the British summer time weather. 

I had gone out for a game of tennis and I thought of going out for a walk. As I had reached the end of the road I just wanted to run. I have no idea why but I just felt like I had to run. Into a forest.

When I got about half way into the forest a tree that had fallen over at the side of the track was perfect for sitting on. I sat on it for quite a while, gathering my thoughts and I had felt de-stressed all of a sudden. I felt I really needed to gather my thoughts and even though yoga helps me with this, I suppose it didn't help me as much as the engagement with outside and the fresh air and sun.

Later in the evening, I went out again when it was cooler and the sun was setting. I decided to take some pictures, because while resting on the fallen tree an idea came to me to write a blog post on my relaxing experience.

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