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My Blogging Time

This post will be about blogging, how I work it in with spare time, essential products and how social media show what ALL bloggers do.

Starting with my essential item number 1, I absolutely need my MacBook Air. I need my MacBook because it is easier for me to use and it saves me going on the computer when I have my laptop with me pretty much all the time. Essential number 2, is my phone, I carry my phone around with me all the time, so if i spot a picture I like and want to post it on my blog then I can just take out my phone and upload it. I know most bloggers use a camera, but if you are like me and aren't so keen on spending hundreds of pounds on a camera then it is understandable. However I actually have considered buying one.

When I blog, it is probably when I am not studying or have a great idea and want to post one ASAP. But, as a student it is hard for me to keep to a schedule (even though I try to) because of assignments and so much more homework tasks and exams. However, I have been thinking of doing a blog post twice a week on a Wednesday and Sunday. It is hard for me to work in a blog post, but what I do is I make some time (about 30mins) for myself to write a post, check it and post it. Lately, I have been using this method and it has been working for me.

Finally, I have found that social media portray bloggers and/or vloggers in a way that everything seems to be 'perfect'. Don't get me wrong I do like the odd picture that looks 'perfect', but to me it doesn't seem real, it just looks too professional and photoshopped. Especially on Instagram where you see pictures, such as the one below, and I think it can maybe put people off and disheartened by what they see, because the pictures they have are not as good as everyone else. I believe the main point of social media, like Instagram, is to be yourself and not copy everyone else.

Hope you enjoyed the post!

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